Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia means New Scotland in Latin, is one of the maritime provinces in Canada. It is the second smallest province in area after Prince Edward Island with a mainland surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and including numerous bays and estuaries.
If you’ve been standing on the Halifax pier dreaming of the Emerald Isle, then the luck of the Irish is on your side. This fair city is closer to Dublin, Ireland than it is to Victoria, British Columbia.
Once you are ready to move to beautiful Nova Scotia you will want to apply to a Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP) stream.
Nova Scotia offers various streams for those who have the skills and experience targeted by Nova Scotia may be nominated to immigrate.

Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities:
This stream enables candidates from federal express entry who meet the provincial labour market needs of Nova Scotia to apply and get nominated for the PNP.
Labour Market Priorities for Physicians:
The Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities stream for Physicians selects physicians to apply for nomination through the federal Express Entry system. Only candidates with an approved offer from the Nova Scotia Health Authority or the IWK Health Centre who receive a Letter of Interest from the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration may apply.
Physician Stream:
The Physician Stream assists Nova Scotia’s public health authorities – the Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) and the Izaak Walton Killam Health Centre (IWK) – to hire general practitioners, family physicians, and specialist physicians to work in Nova Scotia. The stream helps the NSHA and IWK to recruit and retain physicians with the required skills for positions that they have been unable to fill with a permanent resident or Canadian citizen.
Entrepreneur Stream:
This stream allows experienced business owners or senior business managers to start a new business or buy an existing business in Nova Scotia. After one year of operational business in Nova Scotia, the entrepreneur may be nominated for permanent residence.
International Graduate Entrepreneur:
If you have done graduation from Nova Scotia University or Nova Scotia Community College, and have already bought a Nova Scotia business and it is operational for at least 1 year, you may be nominated by the province under this stream.
International Graduates in Demand:
The International Graduates in Demand stream is for recent international graduates whose skills and education match specific National Occupational Classification (NOC) job categories. This stream is currently open to workers in 2 NOC job categories:
- NOC 3413: nurse aides, orderlies, and patient service associates
- NOC 4214: early childhood educators and assistants
Skilled Worker:
The Skilled Worker stream helps employers recruit foreign workers and recently graduated international students whose skills are needed in Nova Scotia. An employer can only hire foreign workers for positions they have been unable to fill with permanent residents or Canadian citizens.
Occupations in Demand:
This stream is for occupations in demand specifically for NOC C and NOC D categories, that are in high demand in Nova Scotia. Candidates must have a job offer in any of the below categories:
- NOC 3413 (Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates)
- NOC 7511 (Transport truck drivers)
- NOC 7521 (Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
- NOC 7611 (Construction trades helpers and labourers)
Nova Scotia Experience Stream:
The Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry stream selects highly skilled individuals who wish to live in Nova Scotia permanently. Applicants must have at least one year of experience working in Nova Scotia in a high skilled occupation.